To all our wonderful kids
Hope you are all getting on well and helping to mind each other at home.
Its every strange time at the moment and you might have some worries but the most important thing you can do at the moment is stay calm, stay positive and keep your mind and body healthy. Remember to do activities that make your mind and body feel all those lovely positive emotions like happiness, pride, love,kindness, friendship , excitement and achievement ( for example exercise, reading a book, drawing and creating, playing games, helping out at home and having a chat with someone you care about.
It’s so important to take care of yourself and your family at this time. You are all such wonderful kids and you make Rutland such a fabulous school I can only imagine how helpful and kind you are all being at home .
We are thinking of you all and your families
If anyone has any stories or creations they would like to share with the rest of the school community please email .
Useful websites
Creative websites
Story writing/ creating : A brilliant website to help you start telling or writing a story
Stop motion animation: simple free and easy to use app Flip-a-clip. Use you tube to learn how to do simple animations
Stop motion explanation & tutorial
Lego creation :
This website has lots of games as well as hundreds of simple instructions for lego creations or use lego to create simple stop motion animations
Twinkl: free use of resources for 1 month .
ebooks library
Book creator https//
Staying active
Yoga: YouTube 5 minute yoga flow for kids
Mindfulness meditation for kids:
PS Dont forget its Mothers Day coming up this Sunday be inspired write poem, draw a picture make a card for your special person .
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