Rutland National School

Lower Gloucester Place, Dublin 1

6th Class Artwork



Here is a sample of some of the artwork that we completed in our 1st term in school. We painted self portraits which we enjoyed doing. The second set of paintings were completed for arts scholarship purposes. It is Japanese Hiroshige artwork.  




Leonardo Da Vinci


  1. Principal

    Dear Ms Caffreys Class
    I really like the samples of your art work. It is a pity that the world outside cannot see it because they would be very impressed.

  2. diana

    A thanks MS Burke.It is a pity

  3. Migle

    When we had our art lesson we had to draw a Mona Lisa. We had 3 pictures to draw. One just pencil, one funny and one with coloured pencils. Its very good. I liked it!

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