Rutland National School

Lower Gloucester Place, Dublin 1

Author: mrcherry (Page 1 of 3)

Story of St. Patrick

The story of St. Patrick as told by the children of Rutland Street National School in the 1960’s. It never fails to give us a laugh!

2nd Class News


Mr. Cherry’s second class have had a really busy first term in school. They have worked their socks off and had lots of fun along the way too! We recently went on a lovely trip to the Botanic Gardens and had a fantastic day. We also dressed up for our Halloween party before the midterm break. Let us know what you think of our costumes!



6th Class Confirmation

The children of 6th Class made their Confirmation on the 12th June. We were honoured to be joined by the Archbishop Diarmuid Martin on the day. The sun was shining and the children all looked beautiful. The next morning we went to ‘The Pantry’ for breakfast and got our photographs taken in the school.

Now that we have graduated we are looking forward to our summer holidays and making the big move to secondary school in September. Thank you to everyone in Rutland NS for all of your help and support over the years. We are very sad to leave but excited about the future!

Best Wishes,

6th Class


6th Class Service of Light




Well done to all of the children in sixth class who held their Service of Light and Enrolement Ceremony today. Everybody took part in their readings and prayers really well. It was great to have our parents, guardians and sponsors involved as well. Now we really can’t wait for our Confirmation day! Big thanks to Father Tim for all of his help today 🙂

Dance Stars!

6th class worked so hard over the past two weeks in preparation for the recent Christmas Concert. Francesca was really impressed with the talent on display and said that we were one of the best classes that she has ever worked with! Here is a picture of us all during rehersals.

Picture 022

Probably the Best Class in the World…

Hello from 6th Class,

We’ve been working our socks off up on the top corridor for the last few weeks. Mr. Cherry is over the moon with the effort we have been putting into our work.  We’ve an exciting year ahead with lots of exciting trips and we’ve plenty of work to do in preparation for our Confirmation in June. It’s a really exciting time for us at the moment as we are all trying to decide which secondary school we will go to next year. Take a look at the pictures we’ve put up to see what work we’ve been doing since September !CIMG0665 CIMG0667 CIMG0668 CIMG0669 CIMG0671

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