Rutland National School

Lower Gloucester Place, Dublin 1

Author: Rebekah Byrne

Hugh Lane Art Gallery

Before the Easter break, 6th class paid the Hugh Lane Gallery a visit.
The class took time to examine the artwork and made fantastic sketches of their favourite pieces to discuss. There were lots of interesting conversations about art.

We also studied the beautiful stained glass window artwork to replicate during our own art lesson. The children took inspiration from the work of Harry Clake and added their own ideas to their work.

The children have also been learning about Irish history and the class found lots of paintings depicting famous figures such as Micheal Collins.

It was a fantastic trip with our creative 6th class students!


Fundraiser for the Ukraine

Before the Easter holidays, the fantastic Student Council organised a fundraiser in aid of the Irish Red Cross Ukraine Crisis Appeal.

Everyone wore blue and yellow to show our support and together we raised over €400!!

We are very proud of the amazing support of everyone in Rutland St. NS for such a worthy cause.

Thank you everyone for your incredible generosity.


Sounding it out in Junior Infants!

The boys and girls in Junior Infants are all working really IMG-1963hard learning their new Jolly Phonics sounds.

Today they were figuring out initial sounds and practicing writing words!


Art Club

Art Club runs every Thursday for the boys and girls in 5th and 6th class. In the first week the children made Kimmy Cantrell inspired cardboard relief masks.65773438996--15ABE9F9-59FB-49F7-90D8-D2D0A337AA11 We decided to replicate his artwork and make our own relief masks using cardboard.

The boys and girls also took inspiration from Picasso’s portraits when making their own asymmetrical artworks!

Since then, the children have looked at artists such as Jackson Pollock, Keith Haring, Jean-Michel Basquiat, and Linder Sterling. IMG-1112 (1)

We have spent time making papier-mâché animals, creating self-portrait collages and the children even helped the Elf in Junior Infants decorate their classroom window in time for Christmas! What a fantastic bunch of artists!IMG-1508

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