Rutland National School

Lower Gloucester Place, Dublin 1

Author: Ms Stewart


Well done to our Boxing Champ who received a silver medal in the 2018 Dublin Championships this week!

Boxing Champ


Busy at Boxing!

Sixth Class had a great time boxing yesterday, we didn’t stop moving for the full 40 minutes! Watch out Mayweather!!

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Sixth Class Skeletons!

Happy Halloween from all of us in Sixth Class!!!


‘Suits’ in Sixth Class

Sixth Class had great fun in P.E. this week playing ‘Suits’. We had to try get as many of our card suit as possible but we could only turn one at a time. We had to run back to our group and arrange our cards in order and get a full suit to win. We were non-stop moving between running for the cards and arranging them in order. It was a race to the finish line for our final three!!

Suits1 Suits2 Suits3 Suits4

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