Rutland National School

Lower Gloucester Place, Dublin 1

Author: mscaffrey (Page 1 of 4)

Junior Infant Aistear

We have been playing with water in our own pond and are learning about the life cycle of the frog.

We have a Travel Agents in our classroom where we are booking and researching holidays, making lists for holidays and exchanging money.

We are building Sydney Harbour Bridge this week and will be building other famous landmarks and buildings in the coming weeks. pond life
travel agentsCIMG1247

Happy 100th Day of School!

We have done some fantastic things today in Junior Infants to celebrate our 100th Day of School! We read 100 words on our board and then celebrated reading them by dividing 100 jellies between us all!

We made a snake with 100 cubes, completed 100 seconds of silence, and thought of 100 things that we can be happy about!

As part of Anti Bullying Week we saw a puppet show called Manny the Magnificent Mouse. To celebrate the work we have done during Anti Bullying Week we will be having a Teddy Bears Picnic this Friday in school.

Comhgairdeas gach duine!

Bhain gach dalta in ár scoil spraoi agus spórt ó Seachtain na Gaeilge!

Rinne gach éinne sár iarracht leis an ngaeilge – go raibh maith agaibh go léir.

Tá súil agam go mbainfidh sibh go léir taitneamh as an deireadh seachtaine.

Junior Infants & 6th Class: World Book Day!!

We had loads of fun with Ms. Heverin’s 6th Class on World Book Day. The 6th Class pupils chose books to read to us in small groups. Then they helped us to create images of different parts of the story. Great fun was had by all!

How to make Rice Krispie Buns:Junior Infants!

Today we made Rice Krispie buns in school. If you would like to make some too, follow our instructions below! You can look at the photos of us making them also…

What you need:

1. Rice Krispies

2. Chocolate

3.Paper Cases

4. Bowl

5. Spoon

What you do:

1. Melt chocolate

2. Pour in Rice Krispies

3. Mix with the spoon

4. Put the mix in to the cases

5. Let the buns set

How to make a sandwich: Junior Infants!

We made sandwiches in school yesterday with Ms. Lally. These are the steps to follow if you want to try out our recipe!

1. Get 2 slices of bread.

2. Butter the bread.

3. Put on the ham.

4. Put on the cheese.

5. Fold your sandwich.

Here are some pictures of us making the sandwiches. We really enjoyed eating them when we went home – some of us even toasted the sandwiches and watched the cheese melt!

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