Congratulations to Brooke in 4th Class who has qualified for DCU’s CTYI (Centre for Talented Youth) programme! This is a huge achievement for a ten year old! Most people don’t go to university and take courses until they’re nearly 20! We are all so proud of Brooke! Competition is fierce but Brooke kept her focus through the grueling 2 hour exam!
At CTYI the courses are in topics not usually covered in the primary curriculum e.g. Astronomy, App making, Chemistry, Codes and Ciphers, Experimental Physics, Chinese, Strategy and Games, Novel and Play Writing, Forensic Science, The World of Harry Potter, Art Design. We can’t wait for her to report back to us all here in fourth!!!
Brooke is the first person in 4th to be accepted onto the programme, just like Katherine Gobels was the first to send a man into space using maths!
Hidden Figures, IMBD 2016