Rutland National School

Lower Gloucester Place, Dublin 1

Author: mslawlor (Page 2 of 2)

Geography Lesson .... Our Environment and Ireland

Geography Lesson …. Our Environment and Ireland

sept 2013 009

sept 2013 007

Second Class

Second class are working hard. On Monday we do station training with Transition Year in Larkin. On Thursdays we do meditation. We learn tin-whistle on Wednesday and Friday. We do Literacy Lift. Every Friday we have Golden Time.

Here are some facts about Penguins
• Penguins are never cold.
• They slide on their bellies to get into the water.
• The dad minds the egg while the mam gets the food.
• The mam holds food in her belly and vomits it up for her baby.
• Then the dad gets his own food afterwards.
• They waddle because they have very short legs.
• Penguins are birds but they cannot fly.
• Penguins have sharp beaks to chisel the egg and to catch fish.
• Rockhopper penguins keep their flippers out.
• The mum lays the egg and the dad minds the egg.
• Penguins are really good swimmers.

3rd Class Football with Belevedere Boys

This article is written by Jade Fagan from 3rd Class

When we started football it was hard but as the weeks went by it got a lot easier but hey, practise makes perfect. Dara and Jamie were teaching us. We played matches, did dribbles, toe tapping and we played games .We did all this in Diamond Park .The boys are very good for doing this in their own time. We do this every Wednesday but this Wednesday was the last week. It was a great experience doing football with the boys. We will ALL miss them.

3rd Class

Happy Christmas to all from 3rd Class!!!

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