Rutland National School

Lower Gloucester Place, Dublin 1

Author: Emma (Page 1 of 5)

Zoom Ahead with Books !

This year has been very different experience for us all in Rutland National School. We have missed the parents coming in and joining us for activities like  Kids Talk,  Maths for Fun and lego with your kid to name just a few! But we are amazed at all the amazing work that has been going on at home throughout the year and so thankful for all the parents and guardians for participating in home in activities like numeracy week and ZOOM AHEAD WITH BOOKS!

Zoom Ahead is coming to an end after 3 weeks of fantastic creative work by kids and their book buddies. Thank you so much for your fabulous work!

All the children in JI and SI will receive their final drawing sheet this Friday so….

Choose a book 

Read the book

Draw a picture ( one side for child & other side for Book buddy) 

Bring it back in and we will get it ready for the Exhibition 

Exhibition in June in the Park !


zoom ahead video


We are so happy to all be back to school after the Easter Holidays and look forward to some fun activities and events in our third term.

Every Tuesday all parents are invited to join the Parents walking group. We will walk and discover new places around the city especially places that you can explore with your kids at the weekends and during the holidays. You get to meet other parents and have a chat   and  of course be active. So its great for you physically and mentally … it’s win win! Your well earned reward of a cuppa tea or coffee along the way.

Meet: School Reception

When: Every Tuesday morning  8.50am to 11.30am

Hope to see you tomorrow


Last week we  were so excited as we welcomed back to school all the kids in Junior Infants, Senior Infants First class & Second class. We were so proud of how hard they all worked from home during the lock down and engaged so well on Seesaw and Zoom.  Our kids are amazing but  a massive THANK YOU to the parents,   grandparents and guardians  for all  their hard work and support. We couldn’t have done it without you all!

We can’t wait to welcome back all the other pupils from 3rd to 6th class on Monday morning.

We’ve missed you all!




This week the  children in all the classes from Junior Infants to Second Class have been so busy this week learning all about shape and space….through games, books and construction

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Don’t Forget to check out our instagram page to see First class telling us all about shapes

CREATE A HEART…Share the Love

All our Amazing pupils we know how creative you all are and we would like you to use your imagination to create a HEART to share the love any way you wish. You can  using paint, lego, food, playdough even bake… choose!

When you have finished your HEART take a photo and send it to or whatsapp 0873468075

We will create our heart gallery on the website and Instagram & share the love

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Our Christmas Present to you all…

Dear Parents & Guardians

We have missed you all around the school this term and we appreciate  all the  fantastic support you have given us keeping all the children and staff safe.

We have been working so hard this term and we are so excited to share with you all of our amazing work.

Watch in the comfort of your own home the incredible creative talents of all the children in our school!

Each class has a performance to watch and enjoy

Merry Christmas  x

4th Class Christmas Concert

4th Class performed ‘Reindeer Rap’! Click on the link below to watch our video. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Ms Wynne, Mr Abbott, Louise and all the boys and girls in 4th class!



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