Rutland National School

Lower Gloucester Place, Dublin 1

Category: 5th Class (Page 1 of 8)

5th Class Christmas Performance

5th class would like to wish all their friends and family a very safe and happy Christmas. We hope you enjoy our song and our poem faoi an chéad Nollaig!

5th Class Christmas Performance

Although we are sad we cannot invite our families and friends in to school to see our performance this year, we are so excited we still get to wish everyone a happy Christmas in a special way. 5th class worked very hard on both of their performances this year.

First, the boys and girls performed a drama to the poem ‘Christmas 2020: Love Will See Us Through’. The poem tells the story of a different kind of Christmas this year due to the Coronavirus pandemic and has a very special message. You can watch the drama here:

5th class also performed ‘Oh Holy Night’ when we visited the church to speak about the Christmas story.

We wish everyone a happy, safe, and peaceful Christmas.


Christmas is almost here…

5th class are getting into the Christmas spirit after a very busy term full of learning and fun (as you can see in the pictures!) The boys and girls made some beautiful clay Christmas decorations and drew some wonderful snowglobes. They even made their own Advent wreath and Advent calendar filled with random acts of kindness as we countdown to our Christmas holidays.

It was a wonderful term, especially being reunited after staying apart for so long during the school closures. We wish everyone a happy, safe, and peaceful Christmas.

Nollaig Shona!

Ms Bermingham and the girls and boys in 5th class.

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5th Class visit the LAB Art Gallery

On Thursday the 9th of November, 5th class got the chance to visit the LAB art gallery close to our school.

Katy showed us around some of the art work and we all did a great job of sharing our opinions and thoughts on the wonderful work on show.

Frightful Fun in 5th class for Halloween

Fifth class have been having lots of fun getting ready for the Halloween celebrations. They have been working hard on art projects and decorating their classroom.

On Tuesday the 24th of October, some of the pupils’ families came in to help out with our Halloween crafts. We made wonderful masks with their help and the help of Emma.

Assembly News – Week Beginning 11/04/16


Class Pupil Of The Week Most Improved
Junior Infants Jonathan Layla
Senior Infants Eva Kacper
1st Class Tymon Narcis
2nd Class Ermun Sean
3rd Class Temuulen


4th Class Katelyn


5th Class Shannon


6th Class Quessia



Winners of Marbles in the Jar for this week are 4th Class with 15marbles!!

There were 84 students in the school with Full Stamps this week and 27 Senior Students with Full Credits.

Well Done!!



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