The boys and girls in Junior Infants are all working really hard learning their new Jolly Phonics sounds.
Today they were figuring out initial sounds and practicing writing words!
Here are some examples of all the hard work that children have been doing with me so far this year.
We have been working so hard in Literacy Lift in Second Class and Senior Infants so well done to you all!
The children in Senior Infants are enjoying the different maths stations and everyone is getting really good at counting on, counting back and making number stories! We especially love trying to solve our Problem of the day!
Junior Infants have been learning all about colour, Winter, weather and the different parts of our body. The children love making patterns in maths. We have also been reading lots of stories like The Three Little Pigs, Goldilocks and the Three Bears and Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs! We made Angels for Christmas!
Ekaterina from 1st class makes wonderful stories using story cubes.
Well done everyone and keep up the good work!
Lower Gloucester Place,
Dublin 1
Website masthead designed by 6th class pupil Deya Linuza
October 2016
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