Rutland National School

Lower Gloucester Place, Dublin 1

Christmas Concert

For the Christmas concert every class did something. Our class performed two dances that Francesca taught us. The first was “All I Want for Christmas” and the second was “Under Pressure” by Jedward. We had great fun learning them and it wasn’t really hard work. We had a great time performing and really enjoyed it. Everyone was talking about how good we were. All of the classes were extremely good and we loved watching them. We hope they liked our dancing.

Thanks everone who came to watch us. Thanks to Miss Burke for organising the concert and thanks to Francesca for teaching us the dances.


Procedural Writing




  1. Jasmine

    We had a great day. And everyone was clapping 🙂 .

  2. Kaiwen

    Yeh,It was very good!!!!!!!!!lots of people was there watching.

  3. lee

    Yous were ver good 🙂

  4. cara

    It was grate we had some laugh 🙂

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