This week is Engineer’s week. 4th class have been learning all about engineering and different types of engineers. On Thursday Dr Ian from UCD came into our class. He is a bio-mechanical engineer. This means he uses science to make things to help sick people get better.

He showed us the heart tissue he is growing in his lab to help people who have heart attacks. We dissected a heart last month so we had lots of questions! Science is so cool!

We explored hair, fingerprints, bees, coins, sugar, tissue and coffee through the microscope. We then had to use our new scientific skills to solve a mystery just like forensic scientists!


This is what we imagine an engineer to be...

This is what we imagine an engineer to be…

Dr Ian explains how science is used to grow arteries to help people people with sick hearts

Dr Ian explains how science is used to grow artery valves to help people with sick hearts

Grace from 6th attached her microscope to the computer to share her findings with the class

Grace from 6th attached her microscope to the computer to share her findings with the class

Brooklyn finds the finger print on the jellybean

Brooklyn’s slide is hooked up the IWB he shows the class the finger print on the jellybean


Sabrina explores some sugar under the microscope. We think it looks just like crystals or ice.

Sabrina explores some sugar under the microscope. We think it looks just like crystals or ice.

Exploring bee wings under the microscope

Exploring bee wings under the microscope

Dora explores a Shreddie under the microscope

Dora explores a Shreddie under the microscope


Temuulen and Dr Ian discuss their findings.

Temuulen and Dr Ian discuss their findings.

Frankie and Lexi start our exploration by examining their slides with magnifying glasses.

Frankie and Lexi start our exploration by examining their slides with magnifying glasses.

Mateusz Warren explore the wasp with a magnifying glass

Mateusz Warren explore the wasp with a magnifying glass


We record our findings. We use lots of amazing adjectives to describe what we see

Grace hooks her microscope up to the computer to show the class her bee study. Can you see its eyes??

Grace hooks her microscope up to the computer to show the class her bee study. Can you see its eyes??

This is what we imagine an engineer to look like

Now this is what wen imagine an engineer to be!