A huge well done to all in 5th class who took part in the big event of the crowning of the new Laureate na nóg, Eoin Colfer. We were invited to the Arts Council Building in Merrion Square last Thursday where we were greeted by fabulous treats (cupcakes and drinks!) and also by the man himself, Eoin Colfer. Eoin sat down with us and told us many stories of his past, which inspired many of his children’s books, such as ‘Artemis Fowl’, ‘Benny and Omar’, ‘The legend of Spud Murphy’ and ‘WARP’ which we’re reading in 5th class at the minute! We were bombarded by the media – newspaper representatives, RTE, and RTE junior reporters! We also got to meet Minister of State, Fergus O’ Dowd. It was a very exciting morning! If you missed our interviews on RTE junior, take a look by following the link – we look and sound ever so well 🙂  http://www.rte.ie/trte/news2day/