Rutland National School

Lower Gloucester Place, Dublin 1

O Happy Day Video

3rd class have been busy making a video to go with their O Happy Day song.  We hope you like it!  It will also be on display at the IFestival in the Ilac Library in the next few weeks.

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Update from 6th Class…



  1. msquinn

    We just watched your video and the song and video are really excellent. Brian, we think you will become famous someday and have loads of money with your lovely voice.
    You were all great and it made us happy to watch you.
    We will be waiting for your next release!!!!!

  2. mscaffrey

    3rd Class, WELL DONE! I love your video and your singing, it made us all in 6th Class happy just watching it!

  3. Emma

    Hi Guys, WOW!! that turned out brilliant! XFactor here we come.

    See you Soon,
    Emma x

  4. Stella

    Well Done Brian…nice one…keep it up.

  5. bella


  6. bella


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