Nyamka made these fantastic windmills and we tested them out on the school roof garden. We had great fun!
To make the windmill you will need:
- A square piece of paper
- A scissors
- Glue
- Blue Tac
- Thumb Tac
- A Straw
Here are the instructions:
- First fold the paper to the opposite corner (to make a triangle).
- Open up the paper again. Then fold the other corners together.
- Open up the paper once more.
- Cut along the four lines from the corners halfway into the centre of the page.
- Bend (but do not fold flat) every second corner into the centre point and stick it with some glue.
- Push the thumb tac through the centre point and through a straw at the back (which will be the handle).
- For safety and to hold everything secure, put some blue tac on the sharp point of the thumb tac at the back.
- Go outside and see your windmill work! Magic!
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