Monday 23rd June 2014
Dear Parent/Guardian
The school will close for the summer holidays on Friday June 27th at 12.30pm. School will re-open on Monday 1st of September 2014. Tracksuits will be available for sale and school books can be paid for on Wednesday August 27th, Thursday August 28th and Friday August 29th between 10.00am to 2.00pm. If you would like to pay a deposit off the book subscription this would also be welcome.
Cost of school books this year is €50.00
School Tracksuits cost €45.00/€50.00 for 13/14 & Size Small
School Tie €7.00
Once again we have had a very successful and enjoyable year at Rutland National School. We thank you for your ongoing support and co-operation.
The school reports have now been distributed. If there is any aspects of the school report that you would like to discuss with your child’s teacher please make an appointment with him/her before the end of the week.
Wishing you all a safe and happy summer.
Ms. Burke
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