SVP Food Drive Appeal 2012
The Society of St Vincent de Paul is holding their annual Food Drive Appeal.
By donating non-perishable food items or a hamper, you will be helping families and individuals enjoy a special Christmas.
Suggested Items:
Tinned Foods: Fruit, Vegetables, Soup, Beans, Spaghetti, Tuna, Tin , Stews, Meatballs
Cereals & Other Items:
Breakfast Cereals and Muesli, Noodles, Rice and Pasta.
Muesli Bars, Tea, Cofee, Sugar, Marmalade, Pasta/Rice/Sauce
Chocolate, Crisps, Biscuits, Popcorn, Sweets, Soft drinks
Please ensure foods donated are non-perishable and there expiry dates are well into the next year.
Thank you for your support of the work of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul.
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