Ms. Bermingham’s Junior Infants were so excited to welcome a very special visitor to their playtime today. Garda 6C448460-2C00-4C33-BAD2-1DFED8836640Rob from Fitzgibbon Street Garda Station very kindly came to visit the boys and girls in Junior Infants who have been learning all about the work Gardaí do. They have been very busy working in our Garda Station role play corner, playing with traffic in small world, making Garda cars in arts and crafts, and learning lots of rhymes and songs about policemen and women. Garda Rob showed the children his uniform, walkie talkie and handcuffs. He took the time to speak to the children about his job and answer all of their questions. He even worked with our very own mini police officers in our station today. Thank you Garda Rob for all the work you do and for taking the time to come and visit us. F86C5116-C493-4496-8996-D34C4F1CCA03ABEBE7F1-DB95-4B4C-8F22-37897179C74EB760740E-4F6E-4ECF-87D5-C755DE2AA0D8F50AB9F0-BC88-4D61-ADD6-184408EF0DB3

5412E3F6-682A-4159-A6A2-8B500239F045 E4BA9EE6-9683-4DE8-BAFC-0B3A5C741CD0 0A440D45-D76A-4FFF-9B7C-1ECF811B320C 43BA4C51-B660-42AC-B63B-4E48BA0AE26B    BDCA065D-2541-4055-96C6-B81C29DB19C8