Rutland National School

Lower Gloucester Place, Dublin 1

Category: School (Page 1 of 14)

Christmas Lunch

IMG_0741IMG_0770IMG_0769IMG_0777IMG_0743IMG_0759IMG_0745IMG_0763IMG_0767IMG_0743Wow!  We had a fabulous Christmas dinner in school yesterday.  Thanks to Emma, Gillian and all the lovely parents who were so kind to give their time to make it such a special meal for all the kids in the school

You’re the best!!

Junior Infant Aistear

We have been playing with water in our own pond and are learning about the life cycle of the frog.

We have a Travel Agents in our classroom where we are booking and researching holidays, making lists for holidays and exchanging money.

We are building Sydney Harbour Bridge this week and will be building other famous landmarks and buildings in the coming weeks. pond life
travel agentsCIMG1247

Full Attenders!

IMG_2071 (1)

These boys and girls haven’t missed a single day ALL year. They had ice-cream in the park as a reward. Well Done everyone!

4th Class Hands Free Cup Stack Challenge

20160902_112634This week our class took on the “Cup Stack Challenge”. We had to make a pyramid out of 6 plastic cups (3 on the bottom, 2 in the middle, 1 on the top).  Easy right? Well, in this challenge we couldn’t touch or move the cups with our hands, even if a cup fell over onto the floor!!

Instead, each person held onto one of the strings that were attached to a rubber band around the base of a cup. We worked together, pulling the rubber band apart and then bringing them back together over the cups.  It was all about patience and team work!

It was lots of fun, and after we mastered our technique, we raced each other with different groups winning each time!


Assembly News – Week Beginning 11/04/16


Class Pupil Of The Week Most Improved
Junior Infants Jonathan Layla
Senior Infants Eva Kacper
1st Class Tymon Narcis
2nd Class Ermun Sean
3rd Class Temuulen


4th Class Katelyn


5th Class Shannon


6th Class Quessia



Winners of Marbles in the Jar for this week are 4th Class with 15marbles!!

There were 84 students in the school with Full Stamps this week and 27 Senior Students with Full Credits.

Well Done!!



Assembly News – Week Beginning 04/04/16

Class Pupil Of The Week Most Improved
Junior Infants Evan May
Senior Infants Martin Isabelle
1st Class Ricky


2nd Class Leah


3rd Class Alicia H Anand
4th Class Calum Abbie
5th Class Alex Lennon


6th Class    

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